Pigasus Pictures | The Good Catholic
Big Stars, Indie Studio
Daniel (Zachary Spicer) is a young, idealistic priest who loves his work more than anything. While he struggles to find balance between the dueling philosophies of his mentors, Father Victor (Danny Glover), a no nonsense traditionalist, and Father Ollie (John C. McGinley), a chain smoking Franciscan, Daniel’s passion for his calling never waivers. Then, he meets Jane (Wrenn Schmidt). After a chance encounter during a late night confession, the mysterious Jane starts to open up Daniel’s world to an entirely different set of possibilities and problems. As new bonds form and old ones are tested, Daniel must decide what his true calling really is – and whether or not he has the courage to answer it. The Blueline team was responsible for editing this Pigasus Pictures production as well as serving as post-production coordinators for the final delivery of the film. Written and directed by Paul Shoulberg, the film is an account of one man’s journey of ripening and reawakening.
Notable Mentions: The Good Catholic was accepted at the Santa Barbara Film Festival and won the Panavision Spirit Award for Best Independent Feature Film. Watch the full film streaming on Amazon Prime.